Sunday, October 12, 2008

i almost died today...

no really, i almost did. i hate it when people say that and it is an over-exaggeration. it would be hard for me to write out the whole situation, so if you want to hear the whole story, feel free to ask. all i know is that i literally saw my life flash before my eyes in slow motion. i was frozen as i watched a blue and white school bus miss me by about 2 1/2 feet. i thought i was toast. and i couldn't shake a weird feeling for a long time.

but then i started thinking...and you know what? its a good feeling. "I have plans for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you, not to harm you; to give you a hope and a future." I have heard these words my whole life, but today, i really felt the effects of them...and it was kinda cool. i can honestly say that after today at about 1pm, i really honestly and truly believe with all that i am, that God's not done with me yet. i'm not supposed to die today. i don't know how i didn't, because it was truly a miracle. and that's how i know i still have purpose on this earth.

don't think i'm being morbid. cuz i'm not. just introspective, i guess. on a much lighter note, i got to eat lunch with trace and friz. so far, the highlight of my week. :) and friz and i have a date on wednesday. and i'm getting my hair cut on thursday. and report cards have to be sent home this week. so, really...i'm looking at the most eventful week i've had in ages. :) sometimes, its good to be busy.

i paid off my credit card the other day. it was an amazing feeling. now, i only owe berry college and verizon money each month. it's quite liberating.

i looked at macs last night. the one i want is more than a whole month's paycheck. that is ridiculous. and that's why i'm waiting. i don't need one. i just really really want one. :) oh, and as of today, i'm officially starting to save up for a new(er) car. my goal is to have a new car before the first day of school next year. and i want to pay cash. so, there ya go. now all of the blogger world knows my goals.

this post is way to long, so i will be going now. off to grade my neverending mountain of papers. and maybe to read harry potter. or the new karen book. :) yay!

until next time...

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