Saturday, January 9, 2010


so, i'm learning that if i leave my computer off for about 3 weeks, it actually kinda-semi-works! :) i've been on it for like 3 hours now...and i've been so productive! i uploaded some pictures, i created some ringtones on, and i got to listen to some itunes songs that aren't on my ipod! it was wonderful.

i just wanted to say that i'm so thankful for all of my friends. especially frisbee, becuase without her, i'd be going crazy right now. i'm under direct orders to let my brain rest. at least until monday, and then i can go postal on the chaplain's office.

i got to spend some real quality time with trace the other night, and it was fabulous. :) i'm glad she's going to be all healed reeeeal soon. :) also, dustin got to spend some one on one time with brian, and that's something he's wanted for awhile.

so, dustin wants to move to cartersville? yeah...random, but i told him he could pick wherever he wanted to live...and i could do anything for a year.

i was so thankful for a snow day on friday! i'm finally feeling better...even though i'm still coughy. i am actually excited and looking forward to next week. not to mention the week after that, because we will have mlk day off. :) buuuuut then it's no breaks until spring break...and everyone will be pushing CRCT crap. oh, well. :)

anyway, i just wanted to blog really quickly because i thought it would be a nice tribute to wilbur, who seems to be trying to hang in there for the moment. :)

oh, and i'm super stoked about a girl's night with bek...and wedding dress shopping this saturday!!!!! :) :) :) still can't believe i'm getting married. i know it will be here before i know it, but i can't wait! :)

until next time.