Saturday, August 9, 2008

12 hours of sleep feels really good. :)

i have this cool thing about me that when i don't get enough sleep, i get sick. awesome, i know. well, this past week, i haven't been getting a whole lot of sleep, and now i feel like i'm getting sick. so, i decided to go to bed last night at 10, which was hard to do, cuz i wanted to hang out with my brother. the next thing i knew, it was 10am.

i have been trying to figure it out, and i have to be at my school at 6:45 on monday. i am going to have to leave my house around 6ish...(it might start to be later than that, but i don't know how the traffic is going to be yet) and that means i'm going to have to get up around 5. awesome. did i say awesome? i meant awful. oh well, i guess that's the life of a teacher. no social life, lives with her parents, and goes to bed at 9. whoopie!

i am not really nervous at all...i am actually looking forward to it. i just can't wait to not be behind. everyone keeps telling me that its never going to happen, that i'll always be behind, but i just need to get organized, and plan like 2 weeks in advance. once that happens, then i will feel more on top of things and be able to function like a normal human being.

on a lighter note, the olympics started yesterday! i'm so excited! oh, and yesterday felt a little bit like fall. i'm excited about that too.

i kind of feel like this post was a whole lotta nothing...but thats what my life has turned into. one big routine of nothing. the sad reality of it all, is that my future posts will probably still be about school. and my kids. because that is my life. and that is sad.

oh well. :) until next time...

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